Monday, June 23, 2014

How You Can Start Soothing Your Soul

In the early days of my healing, I decided since I didn’t have any close friends in town that I would have to be my own support system.  I read the bible every day, poetry, and books like The Power of Positive Thinking and attended church at least several times a week.  On index cards, I wrote bible quotes and positive sayings which I read a few times each day.  Without regular access to the internet, I focused on positive songs like Kelly Clarkson’s song Break Away when I heard them on the radio.  

I suggest you start thinking about building your own support system or supplementing your current one.  You also might want to consider creating your own book filled with everything that soothes your soul, like your affirmations or a photo of someone you love and maybe choose a title for it like Well Deserved Love.  You can use a notebook, journal, or a hardcover book with a blank cover found at art supply stores if you want to design your own cover.  Don’t make it a chore.  Have fun with it!  Get a little silly or go crazy like you did back when you had art in school when you were a kid.  Hey!  Maybe add some Silly Putty in there, too, if they even still make that anymore.  Enjoy!

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